Query String with Fuzzy search using ~ operator


I am referring to this and am able to perform a fuzzy search with query_string in kibana.

In kibana "salry~" is being searched and it returns results with "salary" due to ~ operator for fuzziness.

    GET help/_search
      "excludes": ["id","prod","desc","html"]}, 
      "from": 0,
      "size": 25, 
    "query": {
     "bool": {
       "should": [
         {"query_string": {
           "query": "salry~",
           "fields": ["title.title_exact"]
           , "fuzziness": "3"
           , "fuzzy_prefix_length": 3
      {"query_string": {
        "query": "salry~",
        "fields": ["title"]
           , "fuzziness": "3"
           , "fuzzy_prefix_length": 3    

However, can you help me with the corresponding .Nest Fluent DSL as what I have currently does not apply fuzziness - the result set returned is empty as there are no matches for "salry"

        return _client.Search<SearchAutocompModel>(s => s
            .Source(sf => sf
               .Excludes(i => i
               .Fields(p => p.Desc, p => p.Prod, p => p.Id, p => p.Html)))
            .Query(q => q
             .Bool(b => b
              .Should(s => s
                .QueryString(c => c 
                .Fields(f => f
                   .Field(p => p.Title.Suffix("title_exact")))
             s => s
            .QueryString(c => c
            .Fields(f => f
              .Field(p => p.Title))


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