Query text in HTML markup

We have a strange problem: we are searching for URL patterns in our text data (type is keyword). This works fine whenever the URL is isolated but it fails if the same URL is part of an iframe.

  1. query

Simplified query just searching for a part of the URL.

"wildcard:": {
"post_content": "59987"

  1. URL patterns

a) 59987

This pattern in a text works fine.

b) https://video.xyz.ch/content/xyz/xyz/59987/index.html

This one too.

c) src="https://video.xyz.ch/content/xyz/xyz/59987/index.html"

Still works.

d) <src="https://video.xyz.ch/content/xyz/xyz/59987/index.html">

Now it suddenly fails. Even if we add wildcards, such as 59987, there are empty results.

What are we doing wrong?

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