Query with filtered Index giving no results (river-couchdb)

hi all

i'm quite new with elasticsearch and so far everything works fine. but
now i added an index with filter on couchdb:

CURL request

_meta' -d '{
"type" : "couchdb",
"couchdb" : {

    "host" : "localhost",
    "port" : 5984,
    "db" : "mydb",
    "filter" : "app\/glossar",
	"type": "glossar"


Design Doc for filter in couch:
"_id": "_design/app",
"_rev": "3-d694e1de9fe4ea047038e95b2bd2a4d6",
"filters": {
"glossar": "function(doc, req) { if (doc.type == 'glossar')
{return true;} else { return false;} }"

index is up and working, elasticsearch is giving no errors, but when i
do a query like:


i never get any results, though there should be a lot

anyone knows what i'm doing wrong? i tried to leave out the bool/must
party already, nothing happens too

thanks a lot!!!

Two things to check it:

  1. See if there is data in elasticsearch. Thats a simple: curl
  2. Maybe the filter is not working as expected. You can test that by issuing
    using curl the same _change api call that elasticsearch issues to couchdd:


On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 2:53 PM, blickensdoerfer@googlemail.com <
blickensdoerfer@googlemail.com> wrote:

hi all

i'm quite new with elasticsearch and so far everything works fine. but
now i added an index with filter on couchdb:

CURL request

_meta' -d '{
"type" : "couchdb",
"couchdb" : {

   "host" : "localhost",
   "port" : 5984,
   "db" : "mydb",
   "filter" : "app\/glossar",
           "type": "glossar"


Design Doc for filter in couch:
"_id": "_design/app",
"_rev": "3-d694e1de9fe4ea047038e95b2bd2a4d6",
"filters": {
"glossar": "function(doc, req) { if (doc.type == 'glossar')
{return true;} else { return false;} }"

index is up and working, elasticsearch is giving no errors, but when i
do a query like:


i never get any results, though there should be a lot

anyone knows what i'm doing wrong? i tried to leave out the bool/must
party already, nothing happens too

thanks a lot!!!