Question elk stack

Hello ,
I HAVE A QUESTION IF ANY ONE khnwo please help me
how i drop an empty value in the field elk stack (i have a field resultat contain value recu,ajourné,admis ,false) i wont to drop only the value false but with no change in the reste of field juste drop the value false how i do that


I don't really understand what you are looking for. I guess you are speaking about Kibana, right? May be move the discussion there and add some screenshots so we can better understand?

If it's easier, you can also ask questions en français in Discussions en français :wink:

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thank you
i have a field name result , the value of this field is

doc" : {
            "result" : "recu",
doc" : {
            "result" : "ajourné",
doc" : {
            "result" : false,

i wont to drop result:false in the field with logstash what should i do so

i wont to drop result:false in the field with logstash what should i do so

So I'm moving your question to Logstash.

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