Quotation marks search stopped working in v6.6

I have an indexed field in my elastic:
"HTTP_Error_Body" : {
"type" : "text",
"norms" : false,
"index_options" : "docs"
At version 5.5 when I searched kibana by guid enclosed in quotation marks (in order to find error messages, which contained it), I succesfully got the results, for example:


the value of HTTP_Error_Body in result:
ec22e9d2-98b2-11e0-b8c2-0017085b945f; blah blah />

But in v. 6.6 such search returns nothing, although mapping and queries are the same.

Does anyone has a clue how this could be fixed?

can you please probive a fully reproducible example for 6.6 and 5.6. Without the mapping, the index creation and the full query it will be nearly impossible to properly reproduce.

Thank you!


Hello, Alex. Thank you for response.

Here are scripts for issue reproduction:

Kibana Scripts
PUT issue_test
	"mappings": {
		"iibevent": {
			"properties": {
				"HTTP_Error_Body": {
					"type": "text",
					"norms": false,
					"index_options": "docs"
				"creationTime": {
					"type": "date",
					"format": "strict_date_optional_time || epoch_millis"


POST issue_test/iibevent
"HTTP_Error_Body":"error in transaction ec22e9d2-98b2-11e0-b8c2-0017085b945f: bad request",

POST issue_test/iibevent/_search
  "size": 1000,
  "sort": [
      "creationTime": {
        "order": "desc",
        "unmapped_type": "boolean"
	"query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
          "query_string": {
            "query": "\"ec22e9d2-98b2-11e0-b8c2-0017085b945f\"",
            "analyze_wildcard": true
          "range": {
            "creationTime": {
              "gte": 1554293216941,
              "lte": 1554296816941,
              "format": "epoch_millis"
      "must_not": []
  "aggs": {
    "2": {
      "date_histogram": {
        "field": "creationTime",
        "interval": "1m",
        "time_zone": "Europe/Minsk",
        "min_doc_count": 1

If I run them for both 5 and 6 version, I get differrent search result: 1 result at v.5 (as intended) and no results at v.6
All other settings between the instances are the same/

I've also noticed that if I remove the line
"index_options": "docs"
from mapping, the search at v6 works fine, but this is not a solution, as I don't want to change indexing type. Could not find any clues in changelogs as well


it seems you are trying to search the _all field by not specifying a field in your search. This does not work in 6.0 anymore. See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.6/mapping-all-field.html

try using a match query and specify the field you want to search in

Thanks, Alexander. But that's the way kibana searches, I took queries from there.
Does that mean that it is no longer possible to get results I need by typing "ec22e9d2-98b2-11e0-b8c2-0017085b945f" in kibana search field?

It's also not quite clear for me why does index_options affect the searchablity of my guid if _all field is switch off anyway

On top of my head I think that kibana used the default_field of the query string query to specify a field or select all.

Thank you, Alexander.
As far as i understand first solution is to create a custom field "all" with default index_options value and make a rule to copy all other indexable fields to it. It will also be required to switch default_field to "all" for kibana.
On the other hand, I can just switch index_options for all fields to default value. I did not want to do that, but apparently on my data it takes ~30% less disk space.

So, the question is: What would be a right choice here?

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