Range Query with % symbol

We would like to clarify regarding one of the functions of elastic search.

According to the documentation, by using square brackets, [ ] , you’re searching inclusively.

Our sample queries were “[49% TO 90%]” AND “[50% TO 90%]”.
But, when we ran the command, the record with 50% did not show on the first query.


By inserting the documents without specifying the datatype of the field_name field in the mapping. Elasticsearch will create 2 versions of the field (text and keyword).

If you analyze the field_name field with the value "50%", it's indexed as "50" (text type).
So that means, to get the expected result, you should run the query, with the keyword version :

GET testing_with_percent/_search
  "query": {
    "query_string": {
      "query": "field_name.keyword: [50% TO 90%]"

or with the indexed values :

GET testing_with_percent/_search
  "query": {
    "query_string": {
      "query": "field_name: [50 TO 90]"
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Thank you, klof.

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