RangeFacet, proposed enhancement


We have been using facets quite a bit lately and found minors shortcomings
with RangeFacet. Let me explain the problems a little bit further

Most of the time, we are using RangeFacet on multiple ranges. A range of
price, dates or something else. Lets take an example: lets say that we want
to get back the following ranges:

  • 0>= price <=49
  • 50>= price <=99
  • 99>= price <=150

It is easily done by defining a RangeFacet, with 3 ranges as follow:

"query" : {
"match_all" : {}
"facets" : {
"range1" : {
"range" : {
"field" : "price",
"ranges" : [
{ "from" : 0, "to" : 49 },
{ "from" : 50, "to" : 99 },
{ "from" : 100, "to" : 149 }

ES returns something similar to this:

"range1" : {

  "_type" : "range",
  "ranges" : [ 

          "from" : 0,
          "to" : 49,
          "count" : 20,
          "from" : 50,
          "to" : 99,
          "count" : 16,
          "from" : -100,
          "to" : 149,
          "count" : 3,



While this is fine, it would be really handy to give a name to each range
and get them back by name instead of their value. this would look like this:

"query" : {
"match_all" : {}
"facets" : {
"range1" : {
"range" : {
"field" : "price",
"ranges" : [
{ "name": "0to49", "from" : 0, "to" : 49 },
{ "name": "50to99", "from" : 50, "to" : 99 },
{ "name": "100to149", "from" : 100, "to" : 149 }

ES would then return something like this:

"range1" : {

  "_type" : "range",
  "ranges" : [ 

          *"name" : "0to49",*
          "from" : 0,
          "to" : 49,
          "count" : 20,
            *"name" : "50to99",*
          "from" : 50,
          "to" : 99,
          "count" : 16,
          *"name" : "100to149",*
          "from" : 100,
          "to" : 149,
          "count" : 3,



This enhancement doesn't change a lot but make it easier to figure out which
ranges are returned by ES. This is very handy especially when you are
working with range of dates as bellow:

"query" : {
"match_all" : {}
"facets" : {
"range1" : {
"range" : {
"field" : "date",
"ranges" : [
{ "name": "today", "from" : xx, "to" : xx },
{ "name": "tomorrow", "from" : xx, "to" : xx },
{ "name": "next7days", "from" : xx, "to" : xx }

Any feedback?

Its certainly possible, open an issue. Note, range facet the from is
inclusive, and to is exclusive.

On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 2:25 PM, Stephane Bastian <
stephane.bastian.dev@gmail.com> wrote:


We have been using facets quite a bit lately and found minors shortcomings
with RangeFacet. Let me explain the problems a little bit further

Most of the time, we are using RangeFacet on multiple ranges. A range of
price, dates or something else. Lets take an example: lets say that we want
to get back the following ranges:

  • 0>= price <=49
  • 50>= price <=99
  • 99>= price <=150

It is easily done by defining a RangeFacet, with 3 ranges as follow:


"query" : {

    "match_all" : {}


"facets" : {

    "range1" : {

        "range" : {

            "field" : "price",

            "ranges" : [

                { "from" : 0, "to" : 49 },

                { "from" : 50, "to" : 99 },

                { "from" : 100, "to" : 149 }





ES returns something similar to this:

"range1" : {

  "_type" : "range",
  "ranges" : [

          "from" : 0,
          "to" : 49,
          "count" : 20,
          "from" : 50,
          "to" : 99,
          "count" : 16,
          "from" : -100,
          "to" : 149,
          "count" : 3,



While this is fine, it would be really handy to give a name to each range
and get them back by name instead of their value. this would look like this:


"query" : {

    "match_all" : {}


"facets" : {

    "range1" : {

        "range" : {

            "field" : "price",

            "ranges" : [

                { *"name": "0to49",* "from" : 0, "to" : 49 },

                { *"name": "50to99"*, "from" : 50, "to" : 99 },

                { *"name": "100to149"*, "from" : 100, "to" : 149 }





ES would then return something like this:

"range1" : {

  "_type" : "range",
  "ranges" : [

          *"name" : "0to49",*
          "from" : 0,
          "to" : 49,
          "count" : 20,
            *"name" : "50to99",*
          "from" : 50,
          "to" : 99,
          "count" : 16,
          *"name" : "100to149",*
          "from" : 100,
          "to" : 149,
          "count" : 3,



This enhancement doesn't change a lot but make it easier to figure out
which ranges are returned by ES. This is very handy especially when you are
working with range of dates as bellow:


"query" : {

    "match_all" : {}


"facets" : {

    "range1" : {

        "range" : {

            "field" : "date",

            "ranges" : [

                { *"name": "today",* "from" : xx, "to" : xx },

                { *"name": "tomorrow"*, "from" : xx, "to" : xx },

                { *"name": "next7days"*, "from" : xx, "to" : xx }





Any feedback?