Reading _source field

Good afternoon,

I did some searching on the boards here, and I did find someone had touched
on this subject before[1], but maybe i am still missing something because
my results were not good.

I am using apache's lucene api to read the documents generated by elastic
search, I am able to iterate documents and extract the _source field... i'm
trying to convert this back to a string. According to documentation[2] the
field can be compressed with LZF, I checked our config and it seems we left
this default -> disabled.

I am getting only junk strings. :frowning: Any help would be appreciated.

BytesRef bRef = doc.getBinaryValue("_source");
byte[] decodedBytes = decoder.decode(bRef.bytes);
String tmp = new String(decodedBytes, ("UTF-8");

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Never looked into it, but try looking at some of the logic used in
SourceFieldMapper and its relevant tests:

The unit tests are often useful to figure out how the code is constructed.
A static helper class called CompressorFactory is used. Maybe that would
have some clue.


On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 10:40 AM, Arni Sumarlidason

Good afternoon,

I did some searching on the boards here, and I did find someone had
touched on this subject before[1], but maybe i am still missing something
because my results were not good.

I am using apache's lucene api to read the documents generated by elastic
search, I am able to iterate documents and extract the _source field... i'm
trying to convert this back to a string. According to documentation[2] the
field can be compressed with LZF, I checked our config and it seems we left
this default -> disabled.

I am getting only junk strings. :frowning: Any help would be appreciated.

BytesRef bRef = doc.getBinaryValue("_source");
byte decodedBytes = decoder.decode(bRef.bytes);
String tmp = new String(decodedBytes, ("UTF-8");
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[2] Elasticsearch Platform — Find real-time answers at scale | Elastic

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