Red Index

Hello, i use Elasticsearch version 6.3.2.
I do not understand why some indexes are red and i don't know how to fix it.

I tried to re-assign thoose index or set replica to a specific value as i saw in multiple discussion but it won't work, the cluster remain red.

I only use Elasticsearch and Kibana for the moment.

The cluster allocation explain API is your best bet for explaining why a shard cannot be allocated.

There might also be useful information in the logs, but I'd start with the allocation explain API.

Here is the result of "GET /_cluster/allocation/explain"

Apparently there is no enought disk space available on nodes. I will modify this then i will see the others error message.

"index": "packetbeat-6.3.2-2019.01.16",
"shard": 2,
"primary": false,
"current_state": "unassigned",
"unassigned_info": {
"reason": "INDEX_CREATED",
"at": "2019-01-15T23:00:10.783Z",
"last_allocation_status": "no_attempt"
"can_allocate": "no",
"allocate_explanation": "cannot allocate because allocation is not permitted to any of the nodes",
"node_allocation_decisions": [
"node_id": "F9zybqiaSaeCnvRz4UEVPg",
"node_name": "slave1",
"transport_address": "",
"node_attributes": {
"ml.machine_memory": "8375582720",
"ml.max_open_jobs": "20",
"xpack.installed": "true",
"ml.enabled": "true"
"node_decision": "no",
"weight_ranking": 1,
"deciders": [
"decider": "disk_threshold",
"decision": "NO",
"explanation": "the node is above the low watermark cluster setting [cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.low=85%], using more disk space than the maximum allowed [85.0%], actual free: [8.419130532566642%]"
"node_id": "TSdFUY4mRWawRpm58nu3Tw",
"node_name": "slave2",
"transport_address": "",
"node_attributes": {
"ml.machine_memory": "8375586816",
"ml.max_open_jobs": "20",
"xpack.installed": "true",
"ml.enabled": "true"
"node_decision": "no",
"weight_ranking": 2,
"deciders": [
"decider": "disk_threshold",
"decision": "NO",
"explanation": "the node is above the low watermark cluster setting [cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.low=85%], using more disk space than the maximum allowed [85.0%], actual free: [8.356054272857268%]"
"node_id": "_y7W0Sj8T_yMpuldDVoERQ",
"node_name": "master1",
"transport_address": "",
"node_attributes": {
"ml.machine_memory": "12603424768",
"xpack.installed": "true",
"ml.max_open_jobs": "20",
"ml.enabled": "true"
"node_decision": "no",
"weight_ranking": 3,
"deciders": [
"decider": "same_shard",
"decision": "NO",
"explanation": "the shard cannot be allocated to the same node on which a copy of the shard already exists [[packetbeat-6.3.2-2019.01.16][2], node[_y7W0Sj8T_yMpuldDVoERQ], [P], s[STARTED], a[id=L45pqkHEQQethNJOxgzd_Q]]"
"decider": "disk_threshold",
"decision": "NO",
"explanation": "the node is above the low watermark cluster setting [cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.low=85%], using more disk space than the maximum allowed [85.0%], actual free: [8.495947625982657%]"

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