RedHat elastic search image in openshift

Hello i'm trying to setup an Elasticsearch and a kibana on openshift and i used a redhat image but when i go to the pod and i see what's inside elasticsearch.yml i find this :

**cat  elasticsearch.yml**
** "docker-cluster"**

and i define this env variables in my deployement :

        - name: ingest.geoip.downloader.enabled
          value: 'false'
        - name:
          value: 'false'
        - name: >-
          value: 'true'
        - name: elasticsearch-xpack
          value: disabled
        - name: xpack.monitoring.collection.enabled
          value: 'true'
        - name:
          value: 'false'
        - name: bootstrap.memory_lock
          value: 'true'
        - name: discovery.type
          value: single-node
        - name:
          value: Uat-Openshift

my question is why i can't find anything in the elasticsearch.yaml inside the pod and where are the env variable are typed ? and should i use a deployment or a statefull in openshift and why ?

The environment variables you set in OpenShift for Elasticsearch are applied at runtime and won't show up in the elasticsearch.yml file within the pod. For deploying Elasticsearch on OpenShift, use a StatefulSet because it handles persistent storage, stable network identities, and orderly scaling better than a Deployment.

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