Refresh Field List not updating


I have created the logstash CIDR filter that adds the field name "network_name".

      cidr {
        add_tag => [ "home_network" ]
        add_field => { "network_name" => "home_network" }
        address => [ "%{destination_ip}", "%{source_ip}" ]
        network => [ "" ]
        id => "cidr3"

I have also modified the logstash template to add this field to the mappings


Logstash successfully maps the field, but it's not "cached"

I've tried the "Refresh Field" but with no luck

I've even created a new index looking at only log file, with a fresh index and that does not identify "network_name" as a cached field, meaning I can't use it in filters.

I've had a chat on the Logstash forums and the feedback is that Logstash config is ok

Does this suggest that I've missed a field/config/other which would allow Elastic?
I'm using Security Onion and they confirmed "Fields are statically mapped with our templates to prevent field explosion".

For reference:

The complete Elastic results including "network_name" for a record:

  "took" : 30,
  "timed_out" : false,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 120,
    "successful" : 120,
    "skipped" : 0,
    "failed" : 0
  "hits" : {
    "total" : 1,
    "max_score" : 2.0,
    "hits" : [
        "_index" : "logstash-bro-2020.06.01",
        "_type" : "doc",
        "_id" : "3aTPcXIBGLNnyZGQ0wPh",
        "_score" : 2.0,
        "_source" : {
          "answers" : [
          "destination_ips" : "",
          "source_ip" : "",
          "protocol" : "udp",
          "destination_ip" : "",
          "event_type" : "bro_dns",
          "parent_domain_length" : 11,
          "syslog-facility" : "user",
          "host" : "gateway",
          "query_class" : 1,
          "aa" : false,
          "transaction_id" : 5364,
          "syslog-priority" : "notice",
          "query" : "",
          "network_name" : "home_network",
          "rcode" : 0,
          "query_type" : 1,
          "creation_date" : "2002-05-15T13:35:38.000Z",
          "ips" : [
          "subdomain_frequency_score" : 2.16,
          "syslog-host" : "seconion-NU691",
          "ra" : true,
          "tags" : [
          "ttls" : [
          "rd" : true,
          "port" : 55732,
          "frequency_scores" : [
          "subdomain" : "",
          "parent_domain_frequency_score" : 3.8966,
          "syslog-tags" : ".source.s_bro_dns",
          "syslog-host_from" : "seconion-nu691",
          "parent_domain" : "3gppnetwork",
          "syslog-sourceip" : "",
          "query_class_name" : "C_INTERNET",
          "highest_registered_domain" : "",
          "destination_port" : 53,
          "rejected" : false,
          "top_level_domain" : "org",
          "source_ips" : "",
          "uid" : "CPd9873rVfIU2iH4Bf",
          "highest_registered_domain_frequency_score" : 3.9616,
          "destination_geo" : {
            "ip" : "",
            "latitude" : 37.751,
            "country_name" : "United States",
            "country_code2" : "US",
            "continent_code" : "NA",
            "country_code3" : "US",
            "location" : {
              "lon" : -97.822,
              "lat" : 37.751
            "longitude" : -97.822
          "source_port" : 61982,
          "syslog-file_name" : "/nsm/bro/logs/current/dns.log",
          "@version" : "1",
          "timestamp" : "2020-06-01T21:35:44.996Z",
          "logstash_time" : 0.022396087646484375,
          "message" : """{"ts":"2020-06-01T21:35:43.991106Z","uid":"CPd9873rVfIU2iH4Bf","id.orig_h":"","id.orig_p":61982,"id.resp_h":"","id.resp_p":53,"proto":"udp","trans_id":5364,"rtt":0.008337974548339844,"query":"","qclass":1,"qclass_name":"C_INTERNET","qtype":1,"qtype_name":"A","rcode":0,"rcode_name":"NOERROR","AA":false,"TC":false,"RD":true,"RA":true,"Z":0,"answers":["","",""],"TTLs":[95.0,95.0,95.0],"rejected":false}""",
          "tld" : {
            "subdomain" : ""
          "subdomain_length" : 26,
          "rcode_name" : "NOERROR",
          "tc" : "false",
          "site" : "0",
          "query_length" : 42,
          "@timestamp" : "2020-06-01T21:35:43.991Z",
          "rtt" : 0.008337974548339844,
          "query_type_name" : "A",
          "z" : 0

And looking at the mappings for the index:

GET /*logstash*/_mapping
          "network_name" : {
            "type" : "text",
            "fields" : {
              "keyword" : {
                "type" : "keyword"

Many thanks

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