Regular expressions not working

I've recently tested some Lucene querys from the documentation and somehow I can't get some of them to work. For example the regular expressions. I have a document with the field "artist" and the value "Queen" (Fieldtype = text). Somehow I can't get to write an expression which matches the value. I've tried the following queries without any luck:


Another Query that doesn't work is :


Am I doing something wrong ?

Hello Lars,

It sounds like you may not have indexed on the artist field. The response here should help!


I ingested the Documents like this :

PUT my_index/_doc/_bulk
{ "index":{} }
{"album":"A Day at the Races","artist":"Queen","release":1976}
{ "index":{} }
{"album":"Out of the Blue","artist":"Electric Light Orchestra","release":1977}
{ "index":{} }
{"album":"More of the Hard Stuff","artist":"The Dubliners","release":1967}

Querrys like album:* or album:"More of the Hard Stuff" seem to work.

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