Reindex api in ES 5.x version?

Have you used Reindex api in ES 5.x version?
I know that not_analyzed string is a keyword type in ES 5.0.
When re-indexing, all STRING types are replaced by text ...

Do I have to set the mapping before Reindex?

"hostip" : {
"type" : "string",
"index" : "not_analyzed",
"fielddata" : false },
"logtim" : {
"type" : "date",
"format" : "yyyyMMddHHmmss"}

"hostip" : {
"type" : "text",
"fields" : {
"keyword" : {
"type" : "keyword",
"ignore_above" : 256
} } },
"logtim" : {
"type" : "text",
"fields" : {
"keyword" : {
"type" : "keyword",
"ignore_above" : 256
} } }

Yes you do, otherwise dynamic mapping is used.

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