Reindexing 1.7 to 2.4.4 fails

I am using migration plugin to reindex 1.7.1 indices to 2.4.4, so we can migrate to 5.x.
I managed to reindex some indices but most of them are failing. New index gets created but reindex fails. I tried to do it manually, copy>pasting the reindex command from the migration tool (and changing wait_for_completion to true).
Here is an example of one command and the output I get:

curl -XPOST 'http://elasearch03001.pod01:9201/_reindex?wait_for_completion=true' -d '
"source": {
"index": "sessions_org4_2017_07_17",
"sort": "_doc",
"size": 1000
"dest": {
"index": "sessions_org4_2017_07_17-2.4.4",
"version_type": "external"

What does this output mean "source is missing"? Both indices are present. One 2.4.4 has 0 docs, while the original has 57794 docs.

{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"action_request_validation_exception","reason":"Validation Failed: 1: source is missing;2: source is missing;3: source is missing;4: source is missing;5: source is missing;6: source is missing;7: source is missing;8: source is missing;9: source is missing;10: source is missing;11: source is missing;12: source is missing;13: source is missing;14:.....source is missing;724: source is missing;725: source is missing;726: source is missing;727: source is missing;"},"status":400}


What does the mapping for the source index look like?



too long to place it in one post, had to break it in two.

Please format it with code tags :slight_smile:

Sorry about that, it looks better now.

It is still hard to read, but there seems to be something in your index that has _source disabled, which will prevent it from being reindexed.

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Yes, I see it too now, freetexthit field.
Thank you Christian.

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