"Rejected execution of coordinating operation" exception after upgrade from 8.2.2 to 8.6.0?


We just upgraded from 8.2.2 to 8.6.0 and suddenly our bulk inserts fails with this exception:

es_rejected_execution_exception Reason: "rejected execution of coordinating operation [coordinating_and_primary_bytes=207947853, replica_bytes=22389942, all_bytes=230337795,coordinating_operation_bytes=1061, max_coordinating_and_primary_bytes=214748364]"

I think this is a configuration problem caused by the new Java version but I'm not sure? How can I configure ES to accept larger requests or how can I fix this error?



What is the output from the _cluster/stats?pretty&human API?


This is the outcome of that command:

  "_nodes": {
    "total": 3,
    "successful": 3,
    "failed": 0
  "cluster_name": "ELASTIC-TEST",
  "cluster_uuid": "YCKP6URqRtGbygmuNYszyw",
  "timestamp": 1674124573368,
  "status": "green",
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      "total": 166,
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          "max": 2,
          "avg": 2
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          "min": 1,
          "max": 1,
          "avg": 1
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          "min": 1,
          "max": 1,
          "avg": 1
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      "count": 675064,
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      "total_data_set_size_in_bytes": 2106552712,
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      "memory_size_in_bytes": 0,
      "evictions": 0
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      "memory_size": "55.6mb",
      "memory_size_in_bytes": 58309320,
      "total_count": 1665087,
      "hit_count": 63327,
      "miss_count": 1601760,
      "cache_size": 11706,
      "cache_count": 60985,
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      "size_in_bytes": 37863299
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      "count": 474,
      "memory": "0b",
      "memory_in_bytes": 0,
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      "terms_memory_in_bytes": 0,
      "stored_fields_memory": "0b",
      "stored_fields_memory_in_bytes": 0,
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      "term_vectors_memory_in_bytes": 0,
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      "norms_memory_in_bytes": 0,
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      "points_memory_in_bytes": 0,
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      "version_map_memory_in_bytes": 750,
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      "fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes": 38456,
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      "file_sizes": {}
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      "total_field_count": 3079,
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      "total_deduplicated_mapping_size": "48kb",
      "total_deduplicated_mapping_size_in_bytes": 49201,
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          "index_count": 12,
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          "count": 473,
          "index_count": 61,
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          "count": 601,
          "index_count": 70,
          "script_count": 0
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          "count": 8,
          "index_count": 8,
          "script_count": 0
      "runtime_field_types": []
    "analysis": {
      "char_filter_types": [],
      "tokenizer_types": [
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          "count": 12,
          "index_count": 12
      "filter_types": [
          "name": "stop",
          "count": 12,
          "index_count": 12
      "analyzer_types": [
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          "count": 36,
          "index_count": 12
          "name": "standard",
          "count": 12,
          "index_count": 12
      "built_in_char_filters": [],
      "built_in_tokenizers": [
          "name": "standard",
          "count": 24,
          "index_count": 12
      "built_in_filters": [
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          "count": 24,
          "index_count": 12
          "name": "lowercase",
          "count": 36,
          "index_count": 12
      "built_in_analyzers": [
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          "count": 12,
          "index_count": 12
          "name": "accentQueryAnalyzer",
          "count": 24,
          "index_count": 12
          "name": "defaultIndexAnalyzer",
          "count": 6,
          "index_count": 6
          "name": "simple",
          "count": 6,
          "index_count": 6
    "versions": [
        "version": "7.11.1",
        "index_count": 6,
        "primary_shard_count": 6,
        "total_primary_size": "14.1mb",
        "total_primary_bytes": 14793280
        "version": "7.14.1",
        "index_count": 2,
        "primary_shard_count": 2,
        "total_primary_size": "1.3mb",
        "total_primary_bytes": 1378431
        "version": "7.16.2",
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        "total_primary_size": "11.8mb",
        "total_primary_bytes": 12459494
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        "index_count": 3,
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        "total_primary_bytes": 159688
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        "total_primary_bytes": 367919595
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        "nested": 1,
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        "term": 16065,
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        "runtime_mappings": 1,
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        "terminate_after": 2,
        "_source": 90,
        "pit": 6,
        "suggest": 37,
        "aggs": 1433
  "nodes": {
    "count": {
      "total": 3,
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      "data_content": 0,
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      "index": 0,
      "ingest": 3,
      "master": 3,
      "ml": 0,
      "remote_cluster_client": 0,
      "search": 0,
      "transform": 0,
      "voting_only": 0
    "versions": [
    "os": {
      "available_processors": 6,
      "allocated_processors": 6,
      "names": [
          "name": "Windows Server 2019",
          "count": 3
      "pretty_names": [
          "pretty_name": "Windows Server 2019",
          "count": 3
      "architectures": [
          "arch": "amd64",
          "count": 3
      "mem": {
        "total": "47.9gb",
        "total_in_bytes": 51536400384,
        "adjusted_total": "47.9gb",
        "adjusted_total_in_bytes": 51536400384,
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        "used_in_bytes": 25491492864,
        "free_percent": 51,
        "used_percent": 49
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      "cpu": {
        "percent": 0
      "open_file_descriptors": {
        "min": -1,
        "max": -1,
        "avg": 0
    "jvm": {
      "max_uptime": "18.1h",
      "max_uptime_in_millis": 65277869,
      "versions": [
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          "vm_version": "19.0.1+10-21",
          "vm_vendor": "Oracle Corporation",
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          "count": 3
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      "available_in_bytes": 625619959808
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    "ingest": {
      "number_of_pipelines": 4,
      "processor_stats": {
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          "failed": 0,
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          "time_in_millis": 511815
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          "current": 0,
          "time": "0s",
          "time_in_millis": 0
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          "current": 0,
          "time": "70ms",
          "time_in_millis": 70
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          "current": 0,
          "time": "0s",
          "time_in_millis": 0
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          "current": 0,
          "time": "0s",
          "time_in_millis": 0
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          "time": "0s",
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    "indexing_pressure": {
      "memory": {
        "current": {
          "combined_coordinating_and_primary": "0b",
          "combined_coordinating_and_primary_in_bytes": 0,
          "coordinating": "0b",
          "coordinating_in_bytes": 0,
          "primary": "0b",
          "primary_in_bytes": 0,
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          "replica_in_bytes": 0,
          "all": "0b",
          "all_in_bytes": 0
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          "combined_coordinating_and_primary": "0b",
          "combined_coordinating_and_primary_in_bytes": 0,
          "coordinating": "0b",
          "coordinating_in_bytes": 0,
          "primary": "0b",
          "primary_in_bytes": 0,
          "replica": "0b",
          "replica_in_bytes": 0,
          "all": "0b",
          "all_in_bytes": 0,
          "coordinating_rejections": 0,
          "primary_rejections": 0,
          "replica_rejections": 0
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        "limit_in_bytes": 0

It is mainly the documents that is causing problems. The _ingest pipeline. In 8.2.2 you need a plugin but in 8.6.0 it is included. I get the exception on regular content as well.

Thanks Mark!

Hi Mark,

Did you have any suggestions to fix this?


Thanks, there's nothing there that jumps out at me.

Are you able to share some Elasticsearch logs from around the time?


If I restart everything and run my reindex job the first time it works just fine, maybe on error. If I run the job again maybe five error and the third time 100 errors. Seems like the number of errors increases every time I reindex. Could that give you some clue?
We are using the ElasticSearch.Net version 7.17.5.



And it is almost always the attachment pipeline that causes the error:

I'm out of ideas here sadly.


If I restart all services and reindex it works just fine. Feels like some hang up that needs a restart to get everything working againg.


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