Remote skip_unavailable?how to set?

Follow the instrument in Cross cluster Search, use

PUT _cluster/settings

reply as below:
"reason": "persisitent setting [search.remote.cluster*.skip_unavailable], not dynamically updateable"
"status": 400

elasticsearch version is 6.0

Anybody known how to solve this problem?

even set this configuration by elasticsearch.yml, still cannot work...

Did you restart all the nodes?

Do you have an error message at startup? What is it?

yes,after i configured the setting in elasticsearch.yml, then failed to restart the node and got the exception as below:
unknown setting [search.remote.cluster*.skip_unavailable] please check that any required plugins are installed, or check the breaking changes documentation for removed settings

You can not use * but need to set the real cluster alias name.

thank you for reply.

i didn't use *, but used explicit words.
BTW, i've tried many names to eliminate name's influence.

Oh. Sounds like you are not on 6.3 but 6.0.

This feature is not in that version. See

yes, i've solve the problem by upgrading version to 6.1 and tested fine.
Many thanks for your help.

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