Removal of non-inclusive terms "whitelist" with neutral language


Kibana has a configuration property elasticsearch.requestHeadersWhitelist.

There are concerns raised on usage of this non-inclusive terminology. Linux team has approved on replacing these non-inclusive terminologies. There are many other tech companies and open-source projects that have removed references to racially-charged jargon from their code for more neutral and inclusive language.
Reference: Linux team approves new terminology, bans terms like 'blacklist' and 'slave' | ZDNet

This request is to replace the term Whitelist used in one of the kibana configuration with a neutral word.


We have taken steps to use neutral naming across the Elastic stack, but you have identified one of two settings that was too difficult to change. You can follow the full discussion in our Github: Neutral-naming in Kibana · Issue #71398 · elastic/kibana · GitHub

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