I am trying to ingest Java exceptions into Elasticsearch via logstash.
In Kibana, they show up like this,
[2021-01-29 16:00:36.875] [139642182200000] [INF] : [] ==> RTSP OPTIONS Resp: RTSP/1.0 200 OK^M CSeq: 1^M Date: Fri Jan 29 16:00:36 2021^M Server: ZooVod Streaming Server 1.3.0b^M Public: OPTIONS, DESCRIBE, SETUP, TEARDOWN, PLAY, PAUSE^M Content-Type: text/parameters^M Content-Length: 50 ^M Video: 481,27 ^M Audio: 482,15 ^M ^M [2021-01-29 16:00:36.880] [139642182200000] [INF] : [] <== RTSP l[201] DESCRIBE rtsp://ecdnpoc-edge2.hanafostv.com:554/ontv/10300/T342592_1_201112_1339.ts.pac?id=747aT342592_1_201112_1339?passwd=4a107923834 RTSP/1.0~~User-Agent: Zooinnet SDK BFX-UH-AT100_0.6~~CSeq: 2~~~~ [2021-01-29 16:00:36.880] [139642182200000] [INF] : [PathFileExist - 22] stat(/svc/data/btv/ontv/10300/T342592_1_201112_1339.ts.pac) not found, ret [-1] [2021-01-29 16:00:36.885] [139642182200000] [INF] : [] --> Response SDP len [578] [2021-01-29 16:00:36.936] [139642182200000] [INF] : [] <== RTSP l[247] SETUP rtsp://ecdnpoc-edge2.hanafostv.com:554/ontv/10300/T342592_1_201112_1339.ts.pac?id=747aT342592_1_201112_1339?passwd=4a107923834/ RTSP/1.0~~User-Agent: Zooinnet SDK BFX-UH-AT100_0.6~~CSeq: 3~~Transport: RTP/AVP/TCP;unicast;interleaved=0-1~~~~ [2021-01-29 16:00:37.055] [139642182200000] [INF] : [] <== RTSP l[232] PLAY rtsp://ecdnpoc-edge2.hanafostv.com:554/ontv/10300/T342592_1_201112_1339.ts.pac?id=747aT342592_1_201112_1339?passwd=4a107923834 RTSP/1.0~~User-Agent: Zooinnet SDK BFX-UH-AT100_0.6~~CSeq: 4~~Session: 83480~~Range: npt=0.000-~~~~
Is there a way to remove the ^M and make it more readable?
I did try,
gsub => ["message", "^M", ""]
match => { "message" => "[%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:requestTime}] [%{NUMBER:longData:int}] [%{DATA:status}] : %{GREEDYDATA:msgData}"}
That didn't help. The message remained the same.
Appreciate your help on this.