Rename json field from the mongo log with filebeat processor

Hi guys,

I'm trying to use the official website documentation for filebeat renaming field from the json but doesn't work so I ve decided to post here what i ve done and learn more about my mistake. I want to rename for example the field "s" to "severity" and "i" to "info".

The json example:


* "took":1,
* "timed_out":false,
* "_shards":{},
* "hits":{
  * "total":{
    * "value":490,
    * "relation":"eq"},
  * "max_score":1.0,
  * "hits":[
    1. {
      * "_index":"filebeat-7.10.2-2023.07.11-000001",
      * "_type":"_doc",
      * "_id":"orEURYkBcFrHMc1Pavyg",
      * "_score":1.0,
      * "_source":{
        * "@timestamp":"2023-07-11T13:11:50.211Z",
        * "attr":{},
        * "message":"{\"t\":{\"$date\":\"2023-07-11T03:20:02.253+00:00\"},\"s\":\"I\", \"c\":\"CONTROL\", \"id\":20721, \"ctx\":\"SignalHandler\",\"msg\":\"Process Details\",\"attr\":{\"pid\":\"1509\",\"port\":27018,\"architecture\":\"64-bit\",\"host\":\"mongoserver\"}}",
        * "agent":{},
        * "c":"CONTROL",
        * "s":"I",
        * "log":{
          * "offset":0,
          * "file":{
            * "path":"/tmp/mongod.log"}},
        * "host":{
          * "name":"ecs-basic"},
        * "t":{
          * "$date":"2023-07-11T03:20:02.253+00:00"},

My filebeat.yml looks like:

  - rename:
        - from: "hits.hits._source.s"
          to: "hits.hits._source.severity"
      ignore_missing: false
      fail_on_error: true

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