Repository-gcs plugin 5.2.2 and Google Global HTTP batch endpoint

Google is deprecating Global HTTP batch endpoint on Aug 12th:
On the ES 5.2 cluster, the repository-gcs plugin is still using this endpoint for Google Cloud Storage communication.
I saw an issue created for this:
And a commit, that resolved the issue for ES 6.4 and never:

I do not want to lose repository-gcs plugin functionality on my cluster.
Is there a way to get around this issue without upgrading cluster to a newer version?


Is there a way to get around this issue without upgrading cluster to a newer version?

I'm afraid the answer here is mostly no. Elasticsearch 5.x is past its EOL date and we won't be releasing a fix for it going forward.

The best workaround I can think of if you absolutely cannot upgrade might be to use the S3 compatibility layer in GCS and use the S3 repository plugin instead of the GCS plugin. That might work going forward but I don't want to make any guarantees since I haven't tested it.

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