"reset" ILM failed step

Final solution at last!

Have created a new (user) Role with "allow_restricted_indices": true permission and "all" on the restricted indice, like this:

POST /_security/role/_temp_restricted_indice_permission
  "indices": [
      "names": [ ".restricted-indice-name" ],
      "privileges": [ "all" ],
      "allow_restricted_indices": true

Then go to Kibana -> Management -> Users and give this role to your user.

Next go to Kibana -> Management -> Index Management, filter by indices with errors, go to detail to each one of the indices and click "Manage ^" -> "Remove lifecycle policy" like shown bellow:


Solve this issue, no more indices with errors and no restricted indices or system configuration / information was affected! :slight_smile:

Thank you all for your inputs and shared ideas.

Greetings, Pedro

P.S. - maybe just manage_ilm or manage permissions on (user) Role catching the restricted indice will do the job but...