Rest Client - Encrypted Communication

This page:
hints at establishing encrypted communication by Rest Client with ES Cluster.

I was trying something around the given code in that page - using a SSLContext with KeyStoreManager and TrustManager. However I did not see any encrypted communication happening.

ES Cluster is running on Shield and basic HTTP authentication from HTTP client is working fine.

If I am hitting http port of ES Cluster, is it possible to get encrypted communication to ES Cluster with a HTTP/REST Client? Preferably using X509 certificates.

I could only find two ports - http and transport which are published by ES Cluster. The requirement is to use HTTP Client and establish secure communication with ES Cluster running on Shield. I understand we can wrap ES inside tomcat/nginx etc, Or use transport client with Shield enabled. But that is not the direction I am looking forward to currently.

You will need to enable SSL on the cluster, which will enable SSL on port 9200. Have you gone through the documentation describing how to do this?

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Hi Christian,
Thanks a lot for your answer. I had the ES cluster running on shield and had followed steps from Shield documentation. The problem lied somewhere else (I had not imported certificates of all nodes).

I could communicate over https using REST client 5.1 with Shield enbled ES Cluster (2.3.3).


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