Restore Snapshot in a new Index

Hi Team,

Its slightly urgent to get this done. I will detail my problem below:

So I had an index named 'tradeflow' where I had created atleast 20 scripted fields to generate few reports required by Business of our organization.

I was trying out changing type of a field and owing to few stupid experiments I had deleted the entire index (and data from the index before that).

Only when I recreated the index by the same name 'tradeflow' I realized that the previous index had scripted fields that I have to code again :frowning:

But I have a snapshot of the previous index.

Will it possible for me to restore the snapshot in a new index (e.g. 'tradeflow_backup') so that I can then copy all the scripted fields code from there?

Note : I don't have any problem in the data lost as I can always upload it again but I don't want to go through the pain of writing scripted fields again.

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