Retrieving Node URL from Alert

I have created simple CPU alert inside Stack Management, with action that send a message to Slack.

I wanted to have the URL to the node causing the alert inside the message.
I found the url inside {{context.action}} variable, which has the format of [View node](https://...).

However Slack does not support this syntax and show above code as it is


It would be nice to be able to get only the url, without the [View node] part.
If there is a way to do that already, I would appreciate the explanation, if not, I suggest creating ticket for that.

  "actions": [
      "id": "slack-notification",
      "connector_type_id": ".slack",
      "group": "default",
      "params": {
        "message": "CPU Alert on node: {{#with context.action}}{{#regexMatch '\\[View\\snode\\]\\((https://.*?)\\)' this}}{{{match.1}}}{{/regexMatch}}{{/with}}"