Retrying failed action with response code: 503

I started both Elasticsearch(1.6.) and Logstash(1.5.1), but ES seems not working.
Here is the conf of LS:

input {
stdin { }
output {
{ host => "zslesvm09:9300" } # it is the same if removing ":9300"
stdout { }

The output from LS:

INFO: [logstash-lozlnx23-53291-11306] started
Logstash startup completed
retrying failed action with response code: 503 {:level=>:warn}
2015-06-30T15:16:12.805Z lozlnx23 aaaaaaaaaaaa
retrying failed action with response code: 503 {:level=>:warn}
retrying failed action with response code: 503 {:level=>:warn}
retrying failed action with response code: 503 {:level=>:warn}
too many attempts at sending event. dropping: 2015-06-30T15:16:12.805Z lozlnx23 aaaaaaaaaaaa {:level=>:error}

ES uses the default configuration and output:
[2015-06-30 11:16:16,219][INFO ][cluster.service ] [Living Eraser] added {[logstash-lozlnx23-53291-11306][10jEd5FUTm2B7X8a4x-L2w][lozlnx23][inet[/]]{client=true, data=false},}, reason: zen-disco-receive(from master [[Ever][_qEXm0RvRKaOqkEEGcAuvQ][][inet[/]]])



What is the response if you curl zslesvm09:9200.

Sorry, the ES version is 1.5.2 (1.6.0 seems working),

curl zslesvm09:9200
"status" : 200,
"name" : "Citizen V",
"cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
"version" : {
"number" : "1.5.2",
"build_hash" : "62ff9868b4c8a0c45860bebb259e21980778ab1c",
"build_timestamp" : "2015-04-27T09:21:06Z",
"build_snapshot" : false,
"lucene_version" : "4.10.4"
"tagline" : "You Know, for Search"

A 503 from ES would usually indicate it's not available.

Next time you get that response I'd check _cat/health.

I found the problem, here is the solution:

  1. on ES config, need to define the cluster name (default is "elasticsearch" )
  2. on LS config file, add cluster definition as the above the example:
    output {
    { host => "zslesvm09:9300"
    cluster => <cluster_name>} # cluster_name defined @ ES
    stdout { }

"cluster" is introduced by the latest LS 1.5.2.

Before we use the default definition that makes the LS cannot find the correct ES.


The cluster config option has been around for quite some time.