Reverse proxy using nginx to a specific dashboard


I am a bit green in setting up a reverse proxy using nginx and I was hoping someone would help me with the following:

The following is my simple configuration (please suggest more directives if I should include them)

server {
    listen      80;
    server_name _;

    location / {
        proxy_pass          http://localhost:5601/;

    location /boats/ {
        proxy_pass          http://localhost:5601/s/boats/app/kibana#/dashboard/ff1752da-af4e-4ef4-ab2c-7d73ffc3108d/;

    location /cars/ {
        proxy_pass          http://localhost:5601/s/cars/app/kibana#/dashboard/b825d6b9-4b8e-4bbb-8faa-834beecafd35/;

Right now, if I visit my domain name, it always redirects me to Kibana's basic authentication.

If I remove the root location

    location / {
        proxy_pass          http://localhost:5601/;

then I try to visit my domain name/boats/ location, I receive a 404 Not Found error

I'm guessing since I'm not login at this point, when redirecting to Kibana's basic authentication, it is not including the port?

This is my set up:

Elasticsearch 7.10.1 using Elastic hosted service
Kibana 7.10.1 on AWS instance(s) behind an ALB where I have basic authentication set up


So your goal is to redirect users to a specific dashboard when visiting a space in the Kibana instance?

You should be able to simply use the defaultRoute advanced setting for this:

Actually, I'm looking for the user to be redirected to a specific dashboard and not the dashboard page in general.


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