I am seeing an interesting behavior on Rollover Index.
When "max_size" is given with little bit smaller than the current index size, sometimes (or some indices) the rollover succeeds sometime it fails.
For example, the current index size 2682mb and rollover "max_size" condition is given as 2500mb.
Is this an expected behavior? Any explanation?
I use this API to get the index current size:
GET /_cat/indices/myIndex*?h=index,pri.store.size&bytes=m
Curl command example:
POST /myIndex/_rollover
"conditions": {
"max_size": "2500mb"
"settings" :
"index.number_of_shards" : 5
Elasticsearch version: 6.8
I don't use any other condition.
I am adding more documents on indices so they are growing; I check the current size first before sending the Rollover API.
Thanks in advance,