Rollup Index Empty Data


I created rollup jobs for my index xxx_113 but the rollups index is empty

{ - 
  "jobs": [ - 
    { - 
      "config": { - 
        "id": "test_rollup",
        "index_pattern": "xxx_113",
        "rollup_index": "xxx_113_rollup",
        "cron": "*/1 * * * * ?",
        "groups": { - 
          "date_histogram": { - 
            "interval": "60m",
            "field": "timestamp",
            "time_zone": "UTC"
          "terms": { - 
            "fields": [ - 
        "metrics": [ - 

        "timeout": "20s",
        "page_size": 1000
      "status": { - 
        "job_state": "started",
        "current_position": { - 
          "api.terms": "/xxx/manifest.json",
          "response_code.terms": "304",
          "service_name.terms": "xxx-ui-service",
          "timestamp.date_histogram": 1670562000000
        "upgraded_doc_id": true
      "stats": { - 
        "pages_processed": 1297,
        "documents_processed": 331976,
        "rollups_indexed": 9711,
        "trigger_count": 1287,
        "index_time_in_ms": 1512,
        "index_total": 10,
        "index_failures": 0,
        "search_time_in_ms": 3096,
        "search_total": 1297,
        "search_failures": 0

Is there anything wrong with my rollup job ?
Thank you

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