Rollup job id with space

I created a Rollup job with the "id" field having a space. Now, for stopping the job, I have to run

POST _rollup/job/<job_id>/_stop

How do I handle the space? I tried the following and they did not work. I am running ES v7.5
POST _rollup/job/"AB CDE"/_stop
POST _rollup/job/'AB CDE'/_stop
POST _rollup/job/AB CDE/_stop

  "jobs" : [
      "config" : {
        "id" : "AB CDE", <--- has a space
        "index_pattern" : "abcd-*",
        "rollup_index" : "abcd-rollup",
        "cron" : "0 0 * * * ?",
        "groups" : {
          "date_histogram" : {
            "fixed_interval" : "1000ms",
            "field" : "@timestamp",
            "delay" : "30s",
            "time_zone" : "UTC"

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