Rollup: Deleted index but cannot stop/delete job

I have a rollup job in state "Indexing". I cannot stop nor delete the job - stopping is not an option and deleting brings up the following error:

400: Bad Request. Could not delete job [index-blah] because indexer state is [INDEXING]. Job must be [STOPPED] before deletion.

It is rolling up a very large index and i suspect will be in state "Indexing" for a while longer - is there a way I can stop and thus delete the job without waiting for the state to change?

I also closed the destination rollup index attached to the job, in an effort to stop the job, however it seems ES has automatically reopened the index.


Edit: To clarify I am currently managing things in the kibana UI

Is it showing up in here Task management API | Elasticsearch Reference [7.11] | Elastic?

I'm not sure because I do not know the task id, but there are 6 different tasks running with the action 'xpack/rollup/job[c]':

{'node': 'yDYlnjraQ2aW-QkTI8949Q', 'id': 3904765850, 'type': 'persistent', 'action': 'xpack/rollup/job[c]', 'start_time_in_millis': 1612970691601, 'running_time_in_nanos': 1977243999117043, 'cancellable': True, 'parent_task_id': 'cluster:57', 'headers': {}}
{'node': 'BwpPHJRBStSWcuRSWxWxUg', 'id': 455605, 'type': 'persistent', 'action': 'xpack/rollup/job[c]', 'start_time_in_millis': 1612963368232, 'running_time_in_nanos': 1984567368173168, 'cancellable': True, 'parent_task_id': 'cluster:46', 'headers': {}}
{'node': 'ntLOGD5bRxiDdWf9xFQ0aw', 'id': 2502739960, 'type': 'persistent', 'action': 'xpack/rollup/job[c]', 'start_time_in_millis': 1612970696113, 'running_time_in_nanos': 1977239486839133, 'cancellable': True, 'parent_task_id': 'cluster:55', 'headers': {}}
{'node': 'CsDNkTbwRBawXe4tgO_0hw', 'id': 1012259125, 'type': 'persistent', 'action': 'xpack/rollup/job[c]', 'start_time_in_millis': 1596101433891, 'running_time_in_nanos': 18846501709591311, 'cancellable': True, 'parent_task_id': 'cluster:18', 'headers': {}}
{'node': '9o4I7UVHS1qWMAO32Kl-1Q', 'id': 2281230910, 'type': 'persistent', 'action': 'xpack/rollup/job[c]', 'start_time_in_millis': 1612970691494, 'running_time_in_nanos': 1977244105622766, 'cancellable': True, 'parent_task_id': 'cluster:58', 'headers': {}}
{'node': 'vS0faI94R2upzYhNB7W5Hw', 'id': 2290442346, 'type': 'persistent', 'action': 'xpack/rollup/job[c]', 'start_time_in_millis': 1614080583291, 'running_time_in_nanos': 867352308867934, 'cancellable': True, 'parent_task_id': 'cluster:59', 'headers': {}}

There are only two rollup jobs running currently - one being the job in discussion, so I'm not sure if these tasks relate to different jobs or the jobs have been split up into multiple tasks?

Any ideas?

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