Rss usage > a 4GB


I test it on Windows Server 2008 R2 and Win7, with topbeat 1.1.1 from the download page of elastic.

I run a special .exe (TestLimit from sysinternal) that allocate 15 GB of RAM on my machine. In the global memory usage I can see this usage, but in the process result I have these :


When you look at the rss, you can see that the value is equal to 2^32, so is the rss value store on a int32 ? I didn't see anything in the github repo.

In advance thanks.

You are probably hitting this issue.

So you need a 64-bit build of Topbeat.

Do I need to compile it, or a compile version exist?

You would need to build it.

I found a place where you can download a 64-bit binary, but it's a development version taken directly from the latest build of the master branch (so no stability guarantees, changelog is here).

The workspace containing the binaries gets deleted when a new build starts.

Thanks, I'm going to build it, it is really not that hard :slight_smile: thanks anyway

EDIT : here is the output

go get
cc1.exe: sorry, unimplemented: 64-bit mode not compiled in

so I will download it :smiley: