Salesforce Logstash pipeline shutting down after a single execution

Hi Team,

I'm using the Logstash Salesforce input plugin on a Windows server to fetch Salesforce application data. When I run it from the command line, the pipeline shuts down after fetching data once.

Is there a way to schedule the pipeline to run at a specific interval, like once a day? I have other pipelines running as a service in the background, and when I try to run the Salesforce pipeline from the command line, I get an error saying that an instance of Salesforce is already running.

Is there a way to run both the Salesforce pipeline and other pipelines as services on Windows?

Thank you in advance

The input plugin does not support scheduling. There is an issue from 2019 requesting it be added as a feature, and a couple of PRs hanging off that, but at present nobody maintains the plugin repo, so it is not clear if such a PR will get merged and released.

If you are interested in supporting this yourself then see this thread, and read through issue 19 on github. Someone volunteered a few months ago to support it and they appear to be struggling to get access.