SAML error with ELK Stack

So in the role i have set:

GET /_xpack/security/role/Role.MS
  "Role.MS" : {
    "cluster" : [ ],
    "indices" : [
        "names" : [
        "privileges" : [
        "field_security" : {
          "grant" : [
        "query" : """{"term": {"providedAttributes.user.countryCode": "{{_user.metadata.saml(c)}}"}}"""
    "applications" : [
        "application" : "kibana-.kibana",
        "privileges" : [
        "resources" : [
    "run_as" : [ ],
    "metadata" : { },
    "transient_metadata" : {
      "enabled" : true

If i enter with the user the query is not returning anything.Meaning my dashboards are empty.It means no data from index matches the filtering query.
I tried and replace the query term with match and still the same error.

if i set query:

{"match": {"providedAttributes.user.countryCode": "{{_user.metadata.saml(c)}}"}}

Is not showing anything in the dashboard.
if i set query:

{"match": {"providedAttributes.user.countryCode": "AT"}}

The index filtered information is shown in the dashboard.
I have tried also with term instead of match in both cases and no data is shown in dashboard.

Login to Kibana using SAML.
Call the Elasticsearch Authenticate API from within the Kibana dev tools console.
That will show you what metadata is included in the user object so you can confirm whether _user.metadata.saml(c) is indeed being populated.

this is the data which i received on Authenticate API:

  "username" : "at.user",
  "roles" : [
  "full_name" : "at.user",
  "email" : null,
  "metadata" : {
    "saml(role)" : [
    "saml_nameid" : "at.user",
    "saml(partnername)" : [
    "saml_nameid_format" : "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified",
    "saml(c)" : [
  "enabled" : true,
  "authentication_realm" : {
    "name" : "saml1",
    "type" : "saml"
  "lookup_realm" : {
    "name" : "saml1",
    "type" : "saml"

So i will try now to match it in the Role query via the match.

This is the role definition:

  "Role.AT" : {
    "cluster" : [ ],
    "indices" : [
        "names" : [
        "privileges" : [
        "field_security" : {
          "grant" : [
        "query" : """{"match": {"providedAttributes.user.countryCode": "{{_user.metadata.saml(c}}"}}"""
    "applications" : [
        "application" : "kibana-.kibana",
        "privileges" : [
        "resources" : [
    "run_as" : [ ],
    "metadata" : { },
    "transient_metadata" : {
      "enabled" : true

finally managed to solved that:
the good query is:


so for me, match was working better than term looks like.
Thank you very much guys for help and guidance!

1 Like

Hi Guys,
One more thing arise with SAML.
Can we have 2 IdP(identity providers) connected to one ELK for SAML access?
The 2 SAML secure the same ELK for different accesses from different networks.
What can i force from URL which SAML realm to be use?
Is there a document about it? based on the order?
SAML1: which redirect to idp 1?
SAML2: which redirects to idp 2?
In the same time i use also LDAP and native.

Thank you in advance,

To do this you need to have 2 separate Kibana instances.

Hi Tim,
Thank you for your answer,
So the same collected data can be seen in all the instances.

Great news,
Thank you,

Hi guys,
on the 2 Kibana Instances, the Spaces, and the other objects are the same?
Meaning, on the second instance i dont have other spaces or information?

I manage to add a second instance, and here i see the same spaces as in first instances.
Thank you,

Please open a new post for that question, this is largely unrelated to the other things we discussed here so far

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