SAML role mapping with wildcard


I am configuring role mapping on my cluster. As the user has multiple roles/groupes, I am trying to map the role with wildcard. How should I do it ?

From the API :

POST /_xpack/security/role_mapping/plateform-admin
"roles": [ "superuser" ],
"enabled": true,
"rules": { "all": [
{ "field": { "": "samlprod" } },
{ "field": { "roles": "*CN=udspzzzp01_role_platform*" } }
] }

The complete roles list :

Thanks a lot

Do you want for a user with all these roles in your IDP to get the superuser role in Elasticsearch, or a user with any of these roles in your IDP to get the superuser role in Elasticsearch?

In my case, I want user with the IDP role :

To have superuser role in Elastic.


You need to
a) Figure out what SAML attribute is the SAML IDP using to send that group/role in the SAML Response message. You can ask your IDP administrator or you can enable TRACE logging for SAML ( see how here on the bottom of the page ) and look at your elasticsearch logs.

b) Figure out the actual value that this group/role has. CN=udspzzzp01_role_platform is not a complete DN so it's not likely that this is the value that the IDP is sending. Again, you can ask your IDP administrator or you can enable TRACE logging for SAML in elasticsearch.

c) Let's say you figured out that the IDP is sending this information in an attribute named TheRoleAttribute and the value of the group is CN=udspzzzp01_role_platform,OU=resources,OU=udspzzzp01,OU=tenants,DC=msad,DC=udsp,DC=ch
In your elasticsearch.yml, you need to set

attributes.groups: TheRoleAttribute

and the role mapping should become

  "roles": [ "superuser" ],
  "enabled": true,
  "rules": { "all": [
    { "field": { "": "samlprod" } },
    { "field": { "groups": "CN=udspzzzp01_role_platform,OU=resources,OU=udspzzzp01,OU=tenants,DC=msad,DC=udsp,DC=ch" } }

This is also explained in much more detail in our docs, please see here and


Thanks a lot, what I was doing wrong was the field name in the mapping. I put the same as the RoleAttribute instead of "groups".

It does work now.

Thank you, best regards

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