Saved "field" parameter is now invalid. Please select a new field. .... Visualize: "field" is a required parameter

Hi @Stacey_Gammon-
Yep, you are right.
It doesn't have any hits when I run the query, Here is the response:

"took": 77,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 55,
"successful": 55,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 0,
"max_score": null,
"hits": []

Hi @Stacey_Gammon-
I ran the import script and didn't refresh the fields, I DON'T see any error message on the dashboard now.
But, I believe, Metric beat is sending empty data, so no results found message is displayed.

Hi Stacey

I am running metricbeat and my LOAD/CPU visualisation has this error too, I need to find out why metricbeat is not reporting this information

Any help appreciated?

My stack is all 5.1.1 - metricbeat is running on all nodes, here is the main part of the config


  • module: system
    • cpu
    • filesystem
    • memory
    • network
    • process
      enabled: true
      period: 300s
      processes: ['.*']
      cpu_ticks: false

Maybe I don't have everything I need configured


Actually this isn't an issue any more for me, fixed with changes to the metricbeat config

Hi @matt.dunks-
What was the changes in the Config file you made? Please let me know. thanks !

It was simply a case of re-reading the full config and then enabling more options


  • module: system
    • cpu
    • filesystem
    • memory
    • network
    • process
    • load
    • core
    • diskio
      enabled: true
      period: 300s
      processes: ['.*']
      cpu_ticks: true

There are a couple more options in the full config which I haven't used
When the new index started the data for the other graphs populated and now all graphs work with no errors

Hope that helps you

I've got to know that, still Beats is not supported on Windows for Load Stats, so I could't get the data on the dashboard. Am good with that. Thanks @Stacey_Gammon.

I had the same issue, spend a lot of time to get it work. At the end, it looks like that 'refresh the field list' doesn't work
with chromium but works with firefox. Some dashboards have issues with chromium as well. Please find the versions below:

chromium 56.0.2924.87
firefox 51.0.1


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