Saved "field" parameter is now invalid. Please select a new field | Visualize: "field" is a required parameter

Good afternoon,

I'm using metricbeat => redis => logstash => elasticsearch <= kibana.

Some information

  • Kibana 5.5.2
  • logstash 5.5.2
  • elasticsearch 5.5.2
  • metricbeat 5.5.2

All with docker

I've researched a lot about this error that is popping up when I access the "dashboard" or "visualize" interface.

From the research and debugging I did, there are some fields in some graphs that are not configured. Ex: "Visualize"> "Top hosts by disk size"> "Buckets"> Field. (Same in the attached image)
When I select an @timestamp field, it works correctly.

I wonder why this field is not configured?

Metricbeat when directly sending to elasticsearch installs the mapping template for elasticsearch and the index pattern in kibana. When sending via redis or logstash, you are responsible for installing the template up-front.

How did you setup and configure all services?

Have you tried to refresh the index pattern in kibana? Search for your index under Management.

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