Saved object is missing Could not locate that visualization

Saved object is missing

Could not locate that visualization

Added sample data but I get this error in Kibana 7.2.0
Elasticsearch is load balanced with 2 nodes (both nodes are master + data )
when I run :9200 _cat/indices, I see .kibana and .kibana_1 sometimes .

What could be the problem ?

Please help
Thank you

Are you using spaces? Have you tried reloading the sample data sets?

I am not sure about spaces.

I got it working following the below steps.

Deleted all indices in elastic

Loaded sample data sets

And this time it worked. No issues. But later I also saw some visualizations not loading. When in hit the individual node endpoints, one node shows nothing other node shows sample data set indices


Can you provide more details/screenshots on where you saw some visualizations not loading? Sample data sets provide data for a few weeks in the past and a few weeks into the future so there should be data for each visualization.

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