Scripted Aggregations in Time Series Visual Builder

Right now, one can neither select a scripted field as the target of an aggregation nor supply a custom script in combination with a special aggregation in the time series visual builder, as far as I see. Is that correct?

I have a use case where I need to compute several bucket script aggregations over simple aggregations, which themselves are scripted. For example: I need to compute a sum of the form sum(f(x)), where f(x) = x, if y = 0 and f(x) = 0 else (x, y are document fields). Generally I have an ES query which computes exactly this value. Nevertheless it seems that I am not able to visualize this in Kibana.

Is there any way I can use a scripted aggregation (e.g. scripted sum aggregation) as a child aggregation of a bucket script aggregation in Kibana?

Unfortunately I am not in a situation to alter the type in order to include an according precomputed field.

TSVB does not support scripted fields.

TSVB does support scripted aggregations such as

Thanks for your answer, Nathan.

In that case I will submit a feature request :slight_smile:. Just wanted to make sure that I am not missing some functionality.

Nevertheless your answer is not 100% correct, as far as I know, as the TSVB supports the bucket script aggregation since 5.4 (see - answer by tbragin at the very bottom).

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