Scripts/import_dashboard doesn't exist

I just installed heartbeat on an elk server to test. I'm trying to import the dashboards, however while I can find the dashboards themselves I cannot find the /scripts/import_dashboards. The docs here: Import Dashboards say it should be in the heartbeat folder. I've check /etc/heartbeat and it doesn't exist there. I've downloaded the zip file and it doesn't exist there.

I've found a scripts folder under /etc/elasticsearch, import-dashboards isn't there. I can't seem to find it. Any pointers?

What version of Heartbeat are you using? The docs you linked to are for 5.6. Probably you are running 6.0 so see

I'm using 5.6 for ELK and Heartbeat.

I see the import_dashboards tool in the 5.6 packages that I just downloaded. I tried the tar.gz files for mac and linux. Both have it. What package type and OS are you using?

RPM for CentOS.

I found them if I download the Linux-64Bit tar file.

Is there a reason they aren't part of the RPM package?

It is in the RPM that I just downloaded.

$ rpm -qpil heartbeat-5.6.0-x86_64.rpm  | grep import_dashboards

I didn't find that path. Sorry, and thanks for your help!

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