Scroll on different nodes


I'm developing now, but i still waiting for hardware to test a proper ES cluster (so I can not test this) but I would prefere to develope in the right way.

I will have few REST servlets serving results queried to a elasticsearch backend. Now, as REST based, user consequent requests may reach different servlets, that may be connected to different ES nodes.

If i start a scroll (giving the scroll_id to the user) will he be able to get results even if he access other nodes of the cluster or is a scrolling action linked to a specific node and therefore only same-node requests will work?

My scenario is where the user start scrolling the page and keeps downloading results from the initial query. From what I can think a scroll action would improve the ES performances as query was performed once, but in this scenario is really better over from and size?

It's not stored on the node, so you can connect to any in the cluster.