I am on NEST.5.0.0-rc1 and Elasticsearch.Net.5.0.0-rc1
I am trying to use the "Search After" feature of ElasticSearch using NEST API.
But it looks that it is not supported yet.
The NEST provides Search, SearchAsync, SearchShards etc. I am at my wits end how to use the "Search After" feature with the Search functions.
Documentation is here.
This is the method I have into which I want to fold in the "Search After" functionality.
var r = await this.client.SearchAsync<DemoEvent>(s => s
.Query(q =>
q.QueryString(c =>
.Sort(ss =>
ss.Descending(f => f.TimeStamp))
if (r.IsValid)
return new Result() { Hits = r.HitsMetaData.Total, DemoEvents = r.Hits.Select(h => h.Source) };