Search-as-you-type with bool query and suggestions

Hi! I'm new in elasticsearch and I want to try a search-as-you-type application with bool query and suggestions. I use Ruby on Rails. Here my mapping:

  settings do
    mappings dynamic: 'false' do
      indexes :locale, type: :keyword
      indexes :search, type: :completion
      indexes :configuration, type: :nested do
        indexes :data, dynamic: 'true' do

Here my search query:

query: {
    bool: {
        must: [
            constant_score: {
                filter: {
                    term: {
                        locale: 'en'
        }, {
            nested: {
                path: 'configuration',
                query: {
                    constant_score: {
                        filter: {
                            terms: {
                                '': ['s']
        }, {
            nested: {
                path: 'configuration',
                query: {
                    constant_score: {
                        filter: {
                            terms: {
                                '': ['p']
suggest: {
    suggestions: {
        text: 'hello t',
        completion: {
            field: 'search'

Is it possible to use suggest and query at the same time? I want to get suggests on the subset queried by locale and configuration. Is this the right way to accomplish what I want to do or not? I know about context suggester but I don't know how to access nested fields.

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