Search C# NEST query on attachments

  • My goal is to be able to perform a search on the Content of a list of documents called PersonDocuments attached to IndexablePersonModel, and return the persons that have documents that contain the query term.

  • The query that I'm using is returning the respective persons ONLY IF the query term matches EXACTLY the WHOLE content of the attached document. But if I search only for one word in the document, nothing is returned. Please advise.

  • Using ingest-attachment plugin.

  • Elasticsearch version: 5.5.1

  • NEST: 5.5

  • PersonDocuments is a list of IndexablePersonDocument on the IndexablePersonModel

public IEnumerable<IndexablePersonDocument> PersonDocuments { get; set; }
  • And one of the attributes of IndexablePersonDocument is string Content.

  • Here is the query that I have so far:

protected override QueryContainer Query(QueryContainerDescriptor<IndexablePersonModel> q)
	var returnQuery = q
	.Match(m => m
		.Field(p => p.Name.Suffix(SearchConstants.Keyword))
	|| q.Nested(n => n
		.InnerHits(i => i.Explain())
		.Path(p => p.PersonDocuments)
		.Query(nq => +nq
			.Bool(b => b
					s => s.Term(p => p.PersonDocuments.First().Attachment.Content.Suffix(SearchConstants.Keyword), Form.Query)
	|| q.FunctionScore(fs => fs
		.Functions(ff => ff
			.FieldValueFactor(fvf => fvf
				.Field(p => p.TotalPurchasedQuantity)
		.Query(query => query
			.MultiMatch(m => m
				.Fields(f => f
						.Field(p => p.Name, SearchConstants.Boosts.XSmall)
						.Field(p => p.PersonDocuments.First().Attachment.Content, SearchConstants.Boosts.XXLarge)

	return returnQuery;

How is this property mapped as a field in Elasticsearch? Would you be able to show the JSON mapping in the target index? I see that the PersonDocuments property is used in both a nested query and a multi_match query, so one of these queries won't be working as expected, depending on how it's mapped.

I figured it out. I was supposed to use a Match:

q.Nested(n => n
	.ScoreMode(NestedScoreMode.Max) // Give the person the _score from the best-matching nested document
	.InnerHits(i => i.Explain(true))
	.Path(p => p.PersonDocuments)
	.Query(nq => +nq
		.Match(m => m
			.Field( a => a.PersonDocuments.First().Attachment.Content)

There is the usage of a property on PersonDocuments inside the query of the function_score query.

If PersonDocuments is mapped as a nested type, this should be inside of a nested query here too, and combined with the match queryonName`.

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