Search different fields on multi indices

lets say i have 6 indices: index1, index2...
each index have a geo_point field. on index1 it's name is index1_location, on index2 it's index2_location etc

is it possible to search a geo_box query on all indices on all fields? i want all results in a particular mbr from one of the indices...

Can you build a boolean query that has should clauses with your geo_box query for each of the 6 fields, and run that across all 6 indices?

this is what i tried to do in the first place:

GET index1,index2,index3/_search
  "from" : 0,
  "size" : 8000,
  "query" : {
    "bool" : {
      "should" : [ {
        "bool" : {
          "must" : {
            "geo_bbox" : {
              "index1location" : {
                "top_left" : [ 34.709999084472656, 32.9900016784668 ],
                "bottom_right" : [ 35.209999084472656, 32.560001373291016 ]
      }, {
        "bool" : {
          "must" : {
            "geo_bbox" : {
              "index2location" : {
                "top_left" : [ 34.709999084472656, 32.9900016784668 ],
                "bottom_right" : [ 35.209999084472656, 32.560001373291016 ]
      }, {
        "bool" : {
          "must" : {
            "geo_bbox" : {
              "index3location" : {
                "top_left" : [ 34.709999084472656, 32.9900016784668 ],
                "bottom_right" : [ 35.209999084472656, 32.560001373291016 ]
      } ]

but i'm getting:
failed to parse [geo_bbox] query. could not find [geo_point] field [index1]