Search is against all indexes and not just the single configured index

Currently I have a search with a match_all query failing due to the logs stating the operation is being conducted against all indexes. The track has been configured to use a single index i.e. not '_all' My assumption was that all operations defined would be against the named index in the track.json

Is there any reason/missing config as to why a search would not be targeting a single index? I was expecting the query URL to be /<index>/_search. Just for background my custom runner for msearch does work as expected, using the URL /<index>/_msearch

Unfortunately I am unable to copy and past actual logs and files, but can write out any pertinant information that helps.

Rally logs: (How I was able to determine the unexpected URL being used)

WARNING https://<host>/_all/_search [status:400]


"indicies": [
    "name": "<index>",
    "auto-managed": false
    "types": [
"operations": [
    "name": "match-all-query",
    "operation-type": "search",
    "body": { "query": { "match_all": {} } }



Provided there is no bug in Rally, that's how it is supposed to work, i.e. your assumption is correct.

If there is only a single index, it will use it as the default index when running queries (and similarly for the document type). _all should only appear if there are multiple indices declared but you did not set one when defining the match-all query with the index property.

Would you be able to share the complete track.json (maybe with anonymised index / operation / parameter names), e.g. via a private message if you cannot post it publicly?

Hi Daniel,

You wanting to see the tracks.json file made me test a bare bones version from the adding_tracks doc page. That works as expected. The tracks.json file I was using was based on Rally 0.7.4 and the nesting is now different for 0.8.0 but on the whole worked with my in my dev environment. Perhaps enforcing a version or schema check could help for anyone else in the future?

All good now though, just porting my config into a new tracks.json formatted file.

Thanks again,


Good to hear it works now.

That is not good. There were a few changes in the track format between 0.7.4 and 0.8.0 but none of them should have (intentionally) caused this behaviour. :frowning: If you could show the version before and afterwards that might be helpful in understanding why it has caused this behaviour.

There is something like that in place already but I frowned upon being to strict about it so far in the interest of backwards compatibility. I might need to revisit this decision in the future though. Also, we have a JSON schema that will check your Rally track but sometimes something slips through... . Thanks for your feedback.


Looks like the track.json was a bit of a red herring as to the problem. It was actually down to not specifying an index on the parameter source.

From the snippet below you have an index attribute that I had not set :frowning: Never mind, got there in the end, I'm only suprised that I hadn't added it in the first place. Anyway, not setting it means you get the _all behaviour that kind makes sense I guess!

def random_profession(indices, params):
    # you must provide all parameters that the runner expects
    return {
        "body": {
            "query": {
                "term": {
                    "body": "%s" % random.choice(params["professions"])
        "index": None,
        "type": None,
        "use_request_cache": False

Thanks again for your help,


Thanks for pointing that out Andrew. Based on your feedback I have now changed the example for parameter sources in the docs to demonstrate how set a default index parameter or make it overridable by the user. This should avoid this problem in the future.

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