Rally - Search operation on all types


In esrally, when I have more than 1 type in my track, how can I make a search operation across all types in my index? Should I specify "_all" as the type? but doing that gives very different, quick results compared to other valid operations. This is not specified anywhere in the documentation. Can anyone help me on this?

Hi @aswinm,

I did not try it locally, but Rally just uses the Elasticsearch Python client under the hood. According to the docs, just don't specify the type in the track and it should search across all types.


Hi @aswinm,

I've just seen that Rally is a bit too strict in this case and give you a syntax error. I'll see that I can fix this soon and create a new release.

A workaround is to specify all types as a comma-separated list in the track.


P.S.: I've created https://github.com/elastic/rally/issues/161

@danielmitterdorfer Thank you.. I will try giving a comma-seperated list of tracks.