Secure ELK Stack with cloudflare wildcard SSL Failing on an ubuntu setup

I have a cloudflare wildcard ssl for my organization that i have configured on my elasticsearch and Kibana as follows:

# Enable security features true true

# Enable encryption for HTTP API client connections, such as Kibana, Logstash, and Agents
  enabled: true
  key: certs/elk_elula/cf_privkey.pem
  certificate: certs/elk_elula/cf_fullchain.pem
  verification_mode: certificate
  certificate_authorities: ["/etc/elasticsearch/certs/elk_elula/cf_fullchain.pem"]

# Enable encryption and mutual authentication between cluster nodes
  enabled: true
  key: certs/elk_elula/cf_privkey.pem
  certificate: certs/elk_elula/cf_fullchain.pem
  verification_mode: certificate
  certificate_authorities: ["/etc/elasticsearch/certs/elk_elula/cf_fullchain.pem"]


# =================== System: Kibana Server (Optional) ===================
# Enables SSL and paths to the PEM-format SSL certificate and SSL key files, respectively.
# These settings enable SSL for outgoing requests from the Kibana server to the browser.
server.ssl.enabled: true
server.ssl.certificate: /etc/kibana/certs/
server.ssl.key: /etc/kibana/certs/
server.ssl.certificateAuthorities: ["/etc/kibana/certs/kibana/cf_fullchain.pem"]
server.ssl.verification_mode: certificate

and its not working, when i curl i get this
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
More details here:
curl failed to verify the legitimacy of the server and therefore could not
establish a secure connection to it. To learn more about this situation and
how to fix it, please visit the web page mentioned above.

I have tried adding the RSA Cloudflare Root CA and ECC root CA with no joy

please help, been at it for many days

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