Separating large immutable field vs mutable fields


I have a scenario where my document has one large field (content /text) field which is updated very rarely(0.1%) and all others are very small fields which are updates very often(99.9%)

What is found in performance test is that if text field is not indexed then updates are super fast .

But text field is must to do free word searches

I understand why updates are super fast with out text field as elastic has to deal with very small payload to delete and insert that happens during update

so am thinking I want to divide my document in to two parts document content with only text/content field and document fields with all other fields so that my 99% cases of updates I can deal with document fields at faster rate compare to having document with text and all fields

how do I separate this two document content and document fields ?

which option I should use ? document types /multiple indexes /parent-child ?

Also please note that all sortables fields in document fields part

document content /text is analyzed field to do full text searches

Any directions on this will be help full


I understand that we can same document id in both document content and document fields

How do I sort on same document fields documents if the search matches on document content

For example :doc ids 1,2,3 are qualified for a search from document .now I want to sort document id 1,2,3 from document fields by using field form document field

can some one let me know thoughts

Probably parent child, or different indices if you are ok to do an external join/multiple queries.

Thanks Mark

how do I achieve sorting behavior if if separate large content/text field in document type and all other fields in another document type which has all sortable fields

External to ES, ie in your app.

This is the price of dealing in NoSQL platforms unfortunately; Relationships are hard(er)!