Serching fields which ends in a number and a file extension

I bumped into a strange issue. When I tried to look for the most requested documents (pdf) on one of the analyzed sites, I saw that there are some docs definitely missing. First I used "request:*.pdf" then I checked "request:pdf". That was the time I noticed that the wildcard request missed ALL documents which request ended in any number before '.pdf' such as 'calendar_2017.pdf'. Which is odd, because it is a string field so I don't understand how a number can cause this issue. Is there something I can do without reindexing the data?

@Brandon_Kobel said that the analyzer splits the file name to terms and in this case, it splits the string when it encounters a dot after a number.

I didn't encounter this exception in any Lucene or Elastic document but I definitely didn't read all :slight_smile:

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