Good day. I currently operate a single node air-gapped configuration of Elasticsearch & Kibana (Version 8.13). As soon as the cluster is booted up, we receive the following error basically Every minute with an unspecified API key ID:
"Server Authentication using apikey failed - unable to find apikey with id id"
(It literally writes it just like that)
Since we are not currently utilizing API keys for anything, we have temporarily worked around this issue by implementation of the following: FALSE
My question is, if we have absolutely zero API keys, where is this message coming from? This is a single server running Elasticsearch, and Kibana together. We have not gotten past this, as this is our first time doing this. I cannot post the contents of the YML file unfortunately. But I've seen this posted a bunch of times without a clear explanation as to Where this message is coming from. It is making it super hard to diagnose other issues when it is providing this error once sometimes twice per minute. Please advise.
Thank you.